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About - St John's

About - St John's

Faith is the foundation of Christian life and it can be imparted only in an atmosphere of love. Hence, all attempts of disseminating faith have to be marked by love. The experience of love that the Beloved Disciple had from person of Jesus, the way that he felt being loved by him, and the reciprocal live that he had for him, became the foundation for his faith in the person and mission of Jesus. This in turn, enhanced his witnessing life.

Through the prism of love, John was able to see the various dimensions of relationship that the Messiah had with the world, his home. It is when the ray of human love sent through the prism of the divine, that love is refracted into various hues of experience of compassion, sympathy and empathy, which in turn, invites the believer to partake in the life-giving mission of the Messiah. As a person who was close to Jesus leaning towards him at the supper, and as a person who followed Jesus to the cross witnessing his sacrifice of love, John was able first drink deep into that divine love that “gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life, then to speak of the length and depth of that divine love.

The Mission of St John’s Province has its roots in the experience of love that God had for the world, that made the incarnation possible. Having experienced this diving love, the CMI founders of the mission wanted that this experience of divine love be available to all. Just as Jesus made the divine love available through his words and deeds that benefited his contemporaries, the members of St John’s Province have taken this same as their mission of life – to experience the divine love and make the experience of the love of God available to all people through word in sharing of the message of Jesus, and deed in various acts of loving kindness. For the last five decades, St John’s Province has been serving the people of God in the North India, both in the hills and the plains in word and deed in various ways making the Kingdom of God available to them. The members of the Province continue their work that they may have life and have it in abundance.

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